There is HOPE! (treatment update)...

Thank you so, so much.  

Nothing I can say will ever get close to expressing how immensely grateful I am to each one of you.

I will be starting a new treatment next week, because in addition to the total on my Crowdfunding page, I have also had some other anonymous donations which don’t show there. I really am lost for words.

As the funding went up quicker than I could have ever anticipated it enabled me to look at alternate options as I felt that going to the US was taking me a long way from home, where I get so much support. As a result I’ve found a new clinic in London, called Orri, which has adopts a similar approach to that in the US which provides day treatment encompassing a whole range of therapies, and occupational activities. 

I’ve been assessed by the clinical team this week and amazingly they have a space and I can start there next week! Orri seem to truly understand that it’s not just about ‘feeding you up’; nutritional rehabilitation is just one aspect. They want to help me regain control over my life, and help me reintegrate back into real, normal life.

I truly feel that Orri is the place that can give me the best shot at getting my life back.

BUT, I could have never been in a position to even consider this incredible treatment had it not been for every single bit of support. Thank you so much. Many tears have been shed at the overwhelming support and loving messages that you’ve all given. 

For the first time in five years I feel hopeful. I feel like I could have a life beyond anorexia. I feel like I have a shot at getting Mima BACK and that is beyond exciting.